21 de outubro de 2024

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A new supplier – I googled them and guess what I found out?

Click the link below to listen to the dialogue “A new supplier – I googled them and guess what I found out?” and then do the activities that follow. This is a listening comprehension activity meant for B1/B2 level students. Vocabulary & Expressions: SPREADSHEET, SALES REP, HEAD HONCHO, WRAP UP, SWAMPED, TAKE A RAIN CHECK. Enjoy!


Dialogue comprehension – True, False or I don´t know?
1. Damon can´t go out for lunch with Howard today.
2. Howard doesn´t like eating at the company cafeteria.
3. Damon has been working on the sales report for about a week now.
4. Both Howard and Damon think they should find out more about the office equipment supplier.

Focus on words & expressions – Find words or expressions in the dialogue that mean the same as:
1. The top boss; the most important person in an organization: _______________
2. Schedule a meeting: ______________________________________________
3. I have no idea: ___________________________________________________
4. Send an e-mail or e-mails to someone: ________________________________
5. Finish it: ________________________________________________________
6. A company that sells the same products or services as another company: ____
7. Sales representatives: _____________________________________________
8. A computer program for financial calculations: __________________________
9. Eat something: ___________________________________________________
10. As soon as possible: ______________________________________________
11. Search for information on the Web, normally using the Google search engine: _
12. A self-service restaurant, often in a factory or an office building where people select their food and drink at a counter and take it to a table to eat: __________________
13. Postpone until a later time: _________________________________________
14. Overburdened with work: __________________________________________

Business vocabulary & expressions – Match the words and expressions below to the definitions.

  1. BAIL OUT        2. FACILITIES        3. DAY OFF       4. ON TOP OF THINGS                                                                                     5. PLAN AHEAD        6. WORKAHOLIC           7. CALL A MEETING      8. PURCHASE

A. Make preparations or arrangements for the future. _______
B. Buy. _______
C. Someone with a compulsive need to work. _______
D. Schedule a meeting. _______
E. Equipment and services provided for a particular purpose. _______
F. In control of what is happening. _______
G. Help a company or someone out of a difficult situation, often by giving them money. _______
H. A day when you´re not required to work. _______

Gap filling 4  

      WORKAHOLIC          PURCHASE           CALL A MEETING           BAIL OUT               

      ON TOP OF THINGS           PLAN AHEAD           DAY OFF          FACILITIES                        

  1. “Larry likes to be ____________ , so we´d better keep him posted.”, said Brian at the meeting.
  2. The company is headquartered in a high-tech office building offering all kinds of modern _________________ .
  3. The marketing manager plans to ______________ soon to talk about the new product line.
  4. Mr. Dickson hardly ever goes on vacation. He´s also the first one to arrive in the office and the last one to leave. He´s a confirmed ____________ .
  5. “Where can we ______________ that kind of machine?”, Jason asked Robin.
  6. “They may have to close down the business if no one __________ them ________.” , said Howard to his friends.
  7. “I like to go jogging in the park and get a tan on my ___________ .”, said Michael to a coworker.
  8. When it comes to business it´s always good to _____________ .

Listen & Write & Answer – Write the questions you listen to and then choose the right answer.

  1. _________________________________________________?

a. I don´t have a clue what his marital status is.
b. I think so, but let me double check it.
c. I heard she got engaged last month.
d. Things are running smoothly. We´ll surely meet the deadline, don´t worry!

  1. _________________________________________________?

a. We´d appreciate if you could give us some feedback.
b. Sure, I´ll keep in touch with you and let you know if anything else happens.
c. The response has been very positive so far, but we still need to wait a little longer.
d. Unfortunately we´ve hit some snags so I´m not sure we´ll meet the deadline. 

  1. _________________________________________________?

a. Definitely. We have a great game plan and I´m sure it´s going to work just fine.
b. They have increased their market share by 20%.
c. Those are the new market trends it seems.
d. I´m sure we´ll reach all our sales goals for the quarter. 

  1. _________________________________________________?

a. It should take some time before they release it.
b. That will depend on what happens next.
c. My commute to work takes just about ten minutes now that I´ve moved.
d. I think that new toy is great. I´ve never seen anything like that, honestly, I think it will be a hit with the kids.

Dialogue Script: A new supplier – I googled them and guess what I found out?

Howard: Hi Damon, how´s it going? I haven´t seen you around much lately.
Damon: I´ve been pretty busy with the new project. That´s why! By the way, do you think you could e-mail me the last version of the financial spreadsheet?
Howard: Sure, I´ll do that first thing when I get back to the office.
Damon: Thanks!
Howard: Remember that company we talked about the other day?
Damon: You mean the office equipment company?
Howard: Yeah, I googled them and guess what I found out?
Damon: I don´t have a clue. What did you find out?
Howard: They supply office equipment to many companies in this region, including some of our competitors.
Damon: Really? It might be a good idea to find out more about their services and prices.
Howard: Sure, I was thinking, maybe we should set up a meeting with one of their sales reps, what do you think?
Damon: Definitely. Let´s do that. Sorry, I gotta run now. The head honcho wants the sales report on his desk ASAP.  I´ve been working on it for two days now and I gotta wrap it up.
Howard: Sure Damon, I was going to invite you out for lunch today. Do you think you can make it?
Damon: Not today, I´m swamped with work so I´ll probably just grab a bite at the company cafeteria. I´ll take a rain check though.
Howard: Sure Damon, maybe some other time.
Damon: Thanks anyway. I´ll see you around. Bye.
Howard: Bye.

Talking Business – José Roberto A. Igreja / Disal Editora

José Roberto A. Igreja is the author and co-author of several ELT books, including:

LET´S TALK ABOUT IT! – The Ultimate ELT Conversation Book 

Available on Amazon (e-book) and UICLAP (print book)


Let's Talk About It!: The Ultimate ELT Conversation Book (English Edition) por [Jose Roberto A. Igreja]

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Talking Business

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