8 de fevereiro de 2025

Fale tudo em ingles

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The Edgewalk at CN Tower … And Beavertail … Have you ever tried it?

The Edgewalk at CN Tower … And Beavertail … Have you ever tried it?
Here´s a cool gap-filling activity for B2/C1 students – Listen to Sabrina talk to Joe about his recent vacation in Canada and find out more about this fabulous country. Enjoy!

I – Click the link below to listen to the dialogue “An awesome vacation in Canada” and fill in the blanks.


Sabrina: So, you were on vacation in Canada recently, tell me, how was your trip?
Joe: Oh, yeah, I had two (1) _______________ weeks visiting the east coast of Canada. We went to Toronto, the capital Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec. We had a (2) _______________ time there.
Sabrina: Did you guys rent a car?
Joe: We did and I really recommend that. You get to see some amazing views driving from one city to the next, great mountains and lakes, (3) _______________ nature!
Sabrina: Yeah, I´ve been told that Canada is a really beautiful country. Did you guys get to visit the CN Tower in Toronto?
Joe: Not only did we visit the tower, we also did the (4) _______________ walk.
Sabrina: (5) _______________? I heard about it. It must be really exciting. I think I´d be too (6) _______________ to do that, you know, I´m (7) _______________!
Joe: It´s actually very safe, but you do get an (8) _______________!
Sabrina: Wow, sounds like you had a lot of fun!
Joe: Yeah, you should definitely consider visiting Canada on your next vacation. By the way, have you ever eaten (9) _______________?
Sabrina: I know it´s a popular Canadian (10) _______________, but I´ve never really had the opportunity to try it. I bet you had some while you were in Canada, didn´t you? How does it taste?
Joe: Delicious! It´s basically fried dough pastry, pretty much like a flattened doughnut and it´s named like that because it´s shaped like a beaver´s tail!
Sabrina: That´s interesting! I heard they have different kinds of beavertails, don’t they?
Joe: They do. My favorite one is the nutella & banana bearvertail. It tastes great!
Sabrina: Humm, I guess you´ve just (11) _______________ visiting Canada sometime soon.
Joe: I´m sure you won´t (12) _______________ the experience. I definitely plan to go back to Canada. Only next time I want to go to the west coast. I hear Vancouver is a great place to visit!

II – Now find words or expressions in the dialogue with the same meaning as:

  1. Afraid of high places: _________________________
  2. Feel sorry about something: ____________________
  3. Extremely good; marvelous; wonderful: _____________
  4. Fried dough pastry topped with a choice of sweet condiments, a popular Canadian treat: _______
  5. Very good; excellent: ________________
  6. Persuaded me to: __________________
  7. Seriously; really: __________________
  8. A feeling of excitement and enhanced strength and energy produced when the body secretes large amounts of adrenaline in response to a sudden dangerous situation: ___
  9. Something to eat that is considered special: _________________
  10. Border; margin of a surface: ___________________________
  11. Excellent; outstanding:______________________________
  12. Frightened: _____________________________________

Key to Exercises

I – Listen to the dialogue “An awesome vacation in Canada” and fill in the blanks.

  1. awesome     2. terrific     3. fabulous     4. edge     5. no kidding     6. scared    7. afraid of heights                      8. adrenaline rush     9. beavertail      10. treat      11. talked me into      12. regret

II – Now find words or expressions in the dialogue with the same meaning as:

  1. afraid of heights     2. regret     3. fabulous     4. beavertail     5. terrific     6. talked me into                              7. no kidding     8. adrenaline rush     9. treat     10. edge     11. awesome     12. scared

Source: FALE TUDO EM INGLÊS AVANÇADO – Author: José Roberto A. Igreja / Disal Editora

José Roberto A. Igreja is the author and co-author of several ELT books, including:

LET´S TALK ABOUT IT! – The Ultimate ELT Conversation Book, now available on the Amazon stores of the following countries:


If you live in Brazil the paperback is available at a discount price on UICLAP!
(240 pages – 31 QR-CODES for the audio tracks “even the paperback comes with built-in technology”)


Let's Talk About It!: The Ultimate ELT Conversation Book (English Edition) por [Jose Roberto A. Igreja]

600 Phrasal Verbs (with Jonathan T. Hogan)

Talking Business

How do you say … in English?

Fluent Business English (with Robert C. Young)

What to say when …?

False Friends

English for Job Interviews (with Robert C. Young)

American Idioms! (with Joe Bailey Noble III)