18 de janeiro de 2025

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Phrasal Verbs play a crucial role in language learning. Let´s focus now on BREAK DOWN.  

Dear fellow ELT professionals,
As you know, Phrasal Verbs play a crucial role in language learning. Let´s focus now on BREAK DOWN.

Check out below 5 important meanings for BREAK DOWN – With example sentences

1. to stop working, esp. cars, electronic equipment, etc. (parar de funcionar, quebrar, esp. carros, equipamento eletrônico, etc.)

“This is the second time my computer breaks down this month”, said Sean.
“Esta é a segunda vez que meu computador quebra este mês”, disse Sean.

noun form: breakdown (algum problema que faz um carro parar de funcionar)

Tom and Steve arrived very late for the party because their car suffered a breakdown on the road and they were forced to call a mechanic.
Tom e Steve chegaram muito tarde à festa porque tiveram um problema com o carro na estrada e tiveram que chamar um mecânico.

2. to lose control of your emotions and start to cry (perder o controle emocional e começar a chorar, não conter-se)

When Helen’s husband told her he was leaving her, she broke down and cried.
Quando o marido de Helen disse a ela que iria deixá-la, ela não se conteve e chorou.

3. to become very depressed and ill because you cannot deal with your problems or because there is too much pressure on you (ter um colapso nervoso)

“No one can work under so much pressure without breaking down. Why don’t you look for another job?”, Larry advised his friend Dan.
“Ninguém consegue trabalhar sob tanta pressão sem ter um colapso nervoso. Por que você não procura outro emprego?”, Larry aconselhou a seu amigo Dan.

noun form: breakdown or nervous breakdown (colapso nervoso)

“If I were Steve I’d quit that job. He will end up having a nervous breakdown if he keeps working under so much pressure”, Mark told us.
Se eu fosse Steve, largaria aquele emprego. Ele vai acabar tendo um colapso nervoso se continuar a trabalhar sob tanta pressão”, disse-nos Mark.

4. to open or remove with force (derrubar com força)

The firefighter broke down the door to get inside and save the people trapped in the burning building.
O bombeiro derrubou a porta para entrar e salvar as pessoas presas no edifício em chamas.

5. to explain in detail, to elucidate (explicar em detalhes, detalhar)

The accountant broke down the figures so that we could understand what he was talking about.
O contador detalhou os números de tal forma que pudéssemos entender o que ele estava falando.

600 Phrasal Verbs” – Authors: Jonathan T. Hogan and José Roberto A. Igreja, Disal Editora

José Roberto A. Igreja is the author and co-author of several ELT books, including:

LET´S TALK ABOUT IT! – The Ultimate ELT Conversation Book, now available on the Amazon stores of the following countries:


If you´re based in Brazil the paperback is available at a discount price on UICLAP!
240 pages – 31 QR-CODES for the audio tracks (dialogues) “even the paperback comes with built-in technology”


Let's Talk About It!: The Ultimate ELT Conversation Book (English Edition) por [Jose Roberto A. Igreja]

600 Phrasal Verbs (with Jonathan T. Hogan)

Talking Business

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