8 de fevereiro de 2025

Fale tudo em ingles

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Slang and Colloquial Terms 2 (For B2/C1 level students)

Dear ELT community,


This time we´re gonna focus on the following 10 terms: LOSER – RAT ON SOMEONE – YUMMY – SHRINK – MAKE IT SNAPPY – TOPS – LAID BACK – JUNKIE – COOL IT – KLUTZ


1. Loser: someone who is always unsuccessful at everything they do; useless person

Ex.: “I wish you didn´t hang out with Jimmy. He doesn´t study or do anything all day. He´s a total loser.”, Randy´s father told him.

2. Rat on someone: betray someone; tell on someone

Ex.: “The detectives knew we were there. Someone must have ratted on us.”, said Cliff to a gang member.

3. Yummy: a. delicious; tasting very good

Ex.: “Man, those desserts look so yummy! I´m afraid I´ll have to break my diet.”, said Jason to a friend at the party.

b. sexually attractive

Ex.: “Jennifer looks really yummy in that black dress. Do you know if she´s seeing anyone?”, Nick asked Dave at the party.

Ex.: “Our new Pilates instructor is so yummy. I wonder if she has a boyfriend.”, Fred told his friend Melanie.

4. Shrink: a psychiatrist or psychoanalyst

Ex.: “Fred told me he´s seeing a shrink. Did you know that?”, Roy asked Norman.

5. Make it snappy: speed up or hurry; do it quickly

Ex.: “I´d like a cheeseburger and a coke, please, and could you make it snappy? I´m in a hurry.”, said Jake to the waitress.

6. Tops: at the very most

Ex.: “Can you, please, wait here? I won´t be long. Ten minutes tops!”, said Harry to the cab driver.

7. Laid-back: calm and relaxed; easygoing

Ex.: “I´ve never seen Jeff worried about anything. He´s got a very laid-back attitude.”, Nicholas told Barbara.

8.Junkie: a drug addict

Ex.: “I´d stay away from that square if I were you. A lot of junkies hang out there.”, Kenny advised Hank.

9. Cool it: calm down; relax; take it easy

Ex.: “Hey, just cool it! Everything´s under control. There´s no need for you to panic like that.”, Ronnie told Steven.

10. Klutz: stupid and clumsy person who often drops things, falls down, etc.

Ex.: “Christopher is a total klutz on the dance floor. I mean, it´s hilarious.”, Joey told Nina.


  1. “I particularly like that restaurant because of its calm and relaxed style. I feel at home there.”, explained Josh to a friend.
  2. “That chocolate cake looks delicious. Can I have some?”, Gary asked Mirta.
  3. “Melissa has been very depressed lately. Maybe she should see a psychiatrist.”, suggested Carla.
  4. “I think you should just calm down, man! You´re getting way too excited over nothing.”, Doug told Edward.
  5. “I can´t believe Rachel is dating such a useless person. I think she deserves better than that.”, said Lionel to a friend.
  6. “Hurry up, will you? I haven´t got all day.”, Dennis told Brian.
  7. “Can you believe Michael dropped the Thanksgiving turkey on the floor?He´s so clumsy!”, said Rachel to her friends.
  8. “I really think Derek would tell on his friends to save his own skin. That’s what I think.”, Clive told Jason.
  9. “I was surprised when Elaine told me her cousin used to be a drug addict.”, said Ralph to a friend.
  10. “I´m on my way to your house. I should be there in fifteen minutes at the very most.”, Ryan told Evelyn over the cell phone.


A. Make it snappy
B. Loser
C. Junkie
D. Rat on someone
E. Shrink
F. Klutz
G. Yummy
H. Tops
I. Laid-back
J. Cool it

  1. Stupid and clumsy person who often drops things, falls down, etc. ____
  2. A psychiatrist or psychoanalyst____
  3. Calm down; relax; take it easy____
  4. Sexually attractive ____
  5. Calm and relaxed; easygoing____
  6. Someone who is always unsuccessful at everything they do; useless person ____
  7. Speed up or hurry; do it quickly ____
  8. Betray someone; tell on someone ____
  9. At the very most ____
  10. A drug addict ____


I– Rewrite the following sentences in a more colloquial way

  1. “I particularly like that restaurant because of its laid-back style. I feel at home there.”, explained Josh to a friend.
  2. “That chocolate cake looks yummy. Can I have some?”, Gary asked Mirta.
  3. “Melissa has been very depressed lately. Maybe she should see a shrink.”, suggested Carla.
  4. “I think you should just cool it man! You´re getting way too excited over nothing.”, Doug told Edward.
  5. “I can´t believe Rachel is dating such a loser. I think she deserves better than that.”, said Lionel to a friend.
  6. Make it snappy, will you? I haven´t got all day.”, Dennis told Brian.
  7. “Can you believe Michael dropped the Thanksgiving turkey on the floor?What a klutz!”, said Rachel to her friends.
  8. “I really think Derek would rat on his friends to save his own skin. That’s what I think.”, Clive told Jason.
  9. “I was surprised when Elaine told me her cousin used to be a junkie.”, said Ralph to a friend.
  10. “I´m on my way to your house. I should be there in fifteen minutes tops.”, Ryan told Evelyn over the cell phone.

II – Match the colloquial terms below (A–J) with their definitions (1–10).

  1. F        2. E        3. J         4. G       5. I        6. B       7. A        8. D        9. H       10. C

Ref. FALE TUDO EM INGLÊS AVANÇADO – Author: José Roberto A. Igreja / Disal Editora

José Roberto A. Igreja is the author and co-author of several ELT books, including:

LET´S TALK ABOUT IT! – The Ultimate ELT Conversation Book, now available on the Amazon stores of the following countries:


And if you live in Brazil, the paperback is available at a discount price on UICLAP!
(240 pages – 31 QR-CODES “even the paperback comes with built-in technology”)


Let's Talk About It!: The Ultimate ELT Conversation Book (English Edition) por [Jose Roberto A. Igreja]

600 Phrasal Verbs (with Jonathan T. Hogan)

Talking Business

How do you say … in English?

Fluent Business English (with Robert C. Young)

What to say when …?

False Friends

English for Job Interviews (with Robert C. Young)

Say it all in Brazilian Portuguese!

American Idioms! (with Joe Bailey Noble III)